Monday, August 24, 2009

TIME FOR LUNCH in Tarrytown


On Labor Day, Monday, September 7, between 4-6 p.m at Washington Irving School in Tarrytown, parents and politicians, kids, school board members and senior citizens will come together for a Slow Food Westchester “Eat-In.” Slow Food USA's “Time for Lunch” is both a local get-together and a national campaign that will send a message to Congress, as it considers reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act this fall, that it is time to support real food in schools. Just $1 in additional funding per day per child could dramatically improve the food that children eat in school.

Join Slow Food Westchester for an afternoon of freshly-made appetizers and desserts, games for children, a soccer match, music for all, and an opportunity to meet fellow rivertowns residents and your local legislators to begin a conversation about school food and why it matters. There will also be time to sign a national petition, to learn more about school lunch policy, nutrition education and what each of us can do on a local and national level.

We will be joining 250 other “Eat-In's” from each of the fifty states. Together, we can have a good time while sending a powerful message to Congress that it is time to give the 30 million children who eat lunch in school every day food that tastes good and is good for them. By giving schools the resources they need, we can build a strong foundation for the health of our children and our nation's future. Sharing food is how we can begin.

What: Time for Lunch National Eat-In
When: Monday September 7, Labor Day
Time: 4 – 6 p.m.
Where: Washington Irving School, Rte. 9 Broadway in Tarrytown

For more information about Slow Food Westchester's “Time for Lunch” event, please contact: Linda Viertel at 631-0087, or Slow Food Westchester Co-Chair, Jan Frasier Maltby, at 631-0105 after September 1.

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